
Pod 的生命周期对于应用的状态查询、故障检测和恢复是十分重要,比如在 spark on kubernetes 的例子中,spark 任务的状态其实就可以通过查询 driver pod 的状态来获得。这篇 [Read More]

High Level Cloud Native From Kevin Hoffman

Kevin Hoffman(From Capital One, twitter @KevinHoffman was making a speech on TalkingData T11 Smart Data Summit. He addressed that 15 Factors of Cloud Native which based on Heroku’s original Twelve-Factor App, but he add more 3 another factors on it. Let’s have a look at the 15 factors of Cloud Native. 1. One codebase, one App Single version-controlled codebase, many deploys Multiple apps should not share code Microservices need separate [Read More]